Dr. Encho Enev



GSM +359 89 9863477, E-mail: dr.enev@gmail.com

Author of Fractal Theory in Medicine


Medical University, Diploma,

Sports Medicine


Gold medal, Magna cum laude!


Specialty “Sports Medicine”, Diploma



Educations complementary medicine:

Acupuncture and moxa therapy Prof. Nguen Thai Thu – President of Acupuncture Association of Vietnam, Prof. Chen – Vice President of TCM, Beijing, China, Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., Sc.D. president and founder of the International College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics, president and founder of the International Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Association – New York, USA, Dr. V. Velichkova – chief dept. Acupuncture, Reflexo therapy and Laser therapy – University of Plovdiv, Prof. Vasylyi Goidenko – Russia, Moscow Scientific and Clinical Society of Reflexology and Manual Therapy President, Cupping – new technical equipment’s and methods of treatment, bleeding methods, Prof. Yuliyan Lukanov – chief dpt. Physics and Biophysics, Natural medicine, Pharmacopuncture – special methods, Myopuncture and Chiropractic.



International education and training groups in Europe, America, Asia, Middle East.
Working with top athletes—World and Olympic Champions (athletic, high lifting, gymnastics, swimming). Researches – “Artificial Intelligence”, biophysics.
Committee on Health, Ministry of Health. Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine Centers.
Developed programs, medical recreation, injures. Operational Traumatology in the Military Medical Academy, Sofia – 470 operations. Medical Director of SPA Centers. WHO - World Health Organization – sessions Innovations in medicine. ENDO-MED - CEO



Founder of the Foundation International Organization of Fractal Medicine. Board Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria. Management, Marketing and sales management, Leadership
ICMART organization member from 1983. Member of the Board of Directors of BSTCM – BG Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. PADI – Teacher, Examination. Scientific Publications: 43. Lions Club Plovdiv – President Founder, Zone Chairman, Region Chairman, other Int. organizations.
Special medical methods for treatment:
Author of FRABAL method of healing. FRABAL method is named from the words:
FRA—fractal, self repeating forms existing in all universe, including in human body
BAL—balance, equilibrium and self regulation of the different structures in the body.
Top sportsman’s programs, traumatic cases, injures, muscles, ligaments, bursa, fascia – quick treatment programs. Anti stress therapy, very common: low back problems, intervertebral hernia in the first stages before operation, back problems, problems of peripheral nerves system. Problems of the joints. Treatments of bone spikes – special method. Anti cellulite treatment. Anti-aging programs. Cleaning of atherosclerotic plaques. Knee and hip joint reparation.


Acupuncture, Moxa therapy, Electroacupuncture, Electropuncture, Laser therapy, Pharmacopuncture, Vacuum therapy (cupping), Bleeding, Tsubo, Aromatherapy with Carrier oils and Essential oils for external and internal use Intra articular hyaluronic acid applications, Chiropractic (manual therapy), Intra articular treatments, Operations, Arthroscopy.
Treatment with special Water, resonance etc..


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