Fractal Theory in Medicine

Fractal’s Nature of Acupuncture Channels – Bridge between Eastern and Western Medicine

Dr. Encho Enev – CEO and Founder of ENDO-MED, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Cell phone: +359 89 9863477



Terms and explanations of normal and pathological processes in the eastern and western medicine differ to such an extent that there is no reasonable theory of human nature as morphology and physiology. This so far is a barrier that prevents the practitioners of conventional medicine and oriental (TCM) single exchange information with each other, make a diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which corresponds to the eastern and western medical doctrine.


The proposed mathematical model of analogy of acupuncture channels in norm and pathology is fully consistent with the morphological changes in the organs and the body as a whole. This is a model that unifies the structures and processes in the human body and provides the basis for a unified approach. As proposed by fractal theory fully explain the origin of the microstructures, new items, the meaning of Bu and Xie, the principles of homeopathy, principles of Ah-shi and other impacts.


On the base of thousands of clinical cases in the last 31 years I made my mathematical models. 3 groups of cases are formed: normal cases, illness with full retrograde transformations and not removable deformations after illness.


I use many biophysical methods, observations – macroscopic and microscopic, different kinds of electro measurement methods, thermometry, biochemical methods, mathematical fractals modeling, analysis etc.


Based on my previous studies the following principles were derived:

First principle
Fractalisation impacts on human structures, the changes in one scale leads to corresponding changes in all dimensions of the whole fractal structure. Transmission changes are made both in different parts of one dimension and in different dimensions. This process is analogous to the principles of transmission of pulse solitons (solitons are structures in which impulse conduction occurs without losses - waves subsided).
Second Principle
Deformations attenuation of fractals in time, different sections of a different proportionality and as the proportionality of space.
Third Principle
Theprocesses of fractalisation and attenuation happen at different speeds in time and space scales.


The proposed model iterations - invariant repeatability at different scales of the structures of man isfully consistent with the practical results of the conventionalmedicine and TCM. The Fractal theory createsthe perfect analogy for unifying concepts in the Eastern and Western medical theory and practice.

Important novelty is clarifying the processes that occur during deformation of fractal structures impacts. The three principles are based precisely on them.


This corresponds to the internal and external pathogenic factors of all the classical theories in TCM on anatomical and physiological processes in humans. There is a bridge that connects the two diametrically different medicines: eastern and western.

The acupuncture meridians have fractal nature. They are deformated in case of pathology. In point of view of the theory of deformations of fractal structuresall process in human body are describable for eastern and western medical staff.


Principles of Zhen Jiu treatment (acupuncture and moxibustion) in terms of the theory of deformations of fractal structures

Dr. Encho Mihaylvov Enev
+359 89 9863477,

There are many phenomena and processes in humans that are not well explained by traditional medical theories.
Fractal Patterns in Man (FPM) complement the existing classical theories and explain phenomena such as Zhen Jiu (acupuncture and moxa) therapy, Homeopathy, Iridology, aging, ontogenesis, diseases, oncogenesis, regeneration and health conditions as a state of dynamic balance.
On the basis of obtained results it can be used in 3 directions:
one: creating a new approach to explain the biological and physiological processes in humans
two: on the basis of the 3 principle, construction of new strategies for diagnosis and treatment
three: definition of bridges between conventional and Eastern medicine.
Essence and properties of fractals
The term "fractal" was named by Benoit Mandelbrot and originates from the Latin word fractious, which means shatter. Fractals as a mathematical description of shapes have the property of the invariant recurrence or self similarities the figures in terms of scale. If such items are considered at different scales, the same basic elements are observed every time.
Fractals as figures are observed everywhere in the universe.
Fractal shapes in nonliving nature.
Phenomena and structures with fractal properties: the universe, lightning, penetration of fluids in porous bodies, clouds, caves, coastline, rocks.
Fractals in living nature:
Leaves, crown and root system of trees, corals, zebra, circulatory and nervous system, lungs, mucous membranes.
In modern biology and medicine, there is a number of events that are of uncertain or controversial nature. They can be mentioned: aging, viruses, tumor regeneration, homeopathic remedies, iris diagnosis, microsystems, have similar clinical outcomes when treated with eastern and conventional medicine.
Fractals and trans-hierarchic Transformations
There is a similarity between the processes of growth and development of fractals and those of the human body. Man as a stochastic system.                                            
Transformation of substances, energy and information
A relation has been derived for the link: Substance = Energy = Information
Identified are the principles of comprehensive treatment and why it is necessary to act with energy, matter and information, what is the relationship between them and their application in medical practice, and Chen Tzue hoda methods are explained.
Solitons are structurally stable single waves traveling in a nonlinear medium.
Solitons behave like particles interact with one another or with other disorders; they are not destroyed and remain in their original form, keeping its structure intact. This property can be used to transmit information over long distances without interference.
For the first time the soliton concept has been introduced to describe nonlinear waves interacting particles such.
Solitons are of different nature: the surface of the liquid and ionosaund magnitosaund solitons in plasma, gravitational solitons in layered liquids solitons in the form of short light pulses in the active medium of lasers, nerve impulses can be seen as behavior of solitons.
The aim of this study was to show the analogies in the behavior of fractal structures subjected to various deformations and medical manifestations in humans.
Study of human behavior under ideal conditions.
Deformation of fractal structures in different nature and effect external influences.
Exploring the boundaries of illness effects and create predictable performance assessment of three situations: full self repair, partial self repair different from baseline; irreversible self-destruct.
Subject of research are mathematical models of different fractal structures subjected to deformations by analogy actually observed in nature physiological and pathological conditions in humans.
The results of experiments and observations in terms of the fractal hypothesis can be discussed as a clash of two opposing algorithm:
1. That the genetic code that reflects sound projected trends in heritage and which has the force ready to counter external, pathological effects.
2. Changed in small scale structures reflect new acquired secondary other than genetic algorithm.
General Conceptual Model
Based on the observations and results of tests there are many analogies in humans with fractal structures, which allows me to display the following basic principles:
First principle
impacts on human structures, the changes in one scale leads to corresponding changes in all dimensions of the whole fractal structure. Transmission changes are made both in different parts of one dimension and in different dimensions. This process is analogous to the principles of transmission of pulse solitons (solitons are structures in which impulse conduction occurs without losses - waves subsided). Give examples and analogies from ancient classical treatises on Cheng tzyu.
* This term was first introduced in the publication.
Second Principle
Deformations attenuation of fractals in time, different sections of a different proportionality and as the proportionality of space. Give examples and analogies from ancient classical treatises on Cheng tzyu.
Third Principle
Theprocesses of fractalisation and attenuation happen at different speeds in time and space scales. Examples and analogies from ancient classical treatises on Zhen Jiu are given.
In practical terms, the following principles can be used:
1. Force of impact. Adverse affect on humans are damaging and capture over time leads to many even small changes in the fractal structure in the body. This achieves increasing disintegration - aging. For the "hardening" of the body should be little impact.
2. Time of effects. If adverse effects occur, it leads to distortions that become greater with time and enter the smaller scales (chronic disease). The sooner you begin the healing process, the less fractalised will be the defect.
3. Place of impacts. Treatment of the largest scale leads to the most rapid effect in micro impact through homeopathy, herbalism influence the small dimensions and the treatment effect should patiently wait.



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